Big updates on the opening! My group has collectively decided that we will stray away from our current film opening dealing with a schizophrenic character. We have come to this decision after getting outsider opinions and realizing the difficulty to properly convey the message while having correct representation. We are not at that level yet to stray that far out of our comfort zone but hopefully by the end of the year we are confident enough to take on more ambitious projects! Our revised idea is dealing with the perception of what you present yourself to be to the public and who you actually are. We are going to do this by telling the story of an Instagram model coming to terms with this and realizing the toxic relationship they have with social media.
In our new film opening idea we really want to introduce the character and the characters relationship with social media. Our current idea is that the character is struggling with seeming happy all the time on social media and in her posts. This is much easier to convey than a character dealing with schizophrenia and our new idea is much more relatable with a wider audience. This weekend my group is meeting up to discuss in more detail and I should have some first drafts of our storyboards up soon. We are thankfully still within our scheduled planning period so no corners will have to be cut for us.
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